Designing the internet access kiosks for the world's best airport
In partnership with
Industrial Design
Designing the next generation of internet access kiosk for the 50 million passengers of Changi Airport.
Chemistry was appointed to envision a modern solution for the Changi Airport internet kiosk. The first question to be raised was: “How relevant are Free Internet Kiosks at airport terminals in today’s smartphone age?” We go on to answer that question and deliver Changi Airport’s new internet access kiosk.

Changi Airport Singapore is one of the world’s leading airports. The award winning airport has seen a steady growth in passenger traffic in recent years – especially transfer and transit passengers. These individuals have thus become an important user base. With their heavily reliance on transit areas, Changi Airport wishes to provide the same gold-class travel experience in these spaces.

Chemistry Team was appointed to envision a modern solution for Changi Airport’s internet kiosk. Before even thinking about the design, we first had to ask: “How relevant are Free Internet Kiosks at airport terminals in today’s smartphone age?” In order to answer this pertinent inquiry and design a relevant, user-centred kiosk, we had to speak to these passengers.

How might we rethink how passengers use the internet at the World’s leading airport?

What We Did
Designing New Kiosks

Firstly, we began with qualitative research. We conducted several on-the-ground interviews with transit passengers. In addition, we performed naturalistic observation across various airport facilities and locations.

Our team visited lounges and gate hold areas, speaking to travellers and developing user profiles. As a result, we were able to capture the various and diverse needs of the demography. We found that usability, ergonomics, privacy and security of personal belongings were of particular importance when it came to internet access and kiosk usage.

After synthesising the collected data, we developed a set of design concepts that were mocked up as low-fidelity prototypes. After conducting several rounds of testing with both staff and end users, we were able to validate and shortlist our final design concepts.

I like how they took us step by step of the design thinking process, starting from identifying a problem, to coming up with an opportunity statement, and then ideation. The hands-on mock-up using basic materials was also useful in helping us to visualise and translate our ideas into function.

Tan Han Jie
The Result

The new kiosk (dubbed “The Boomerang”) is currently being rolled out across terminals 1,2, and 3.

Taking advantage of a new all-in-one system, we were able to deliver a sleek design with a slim profile. The 3D double twist on the kiosk legs allows for luggage trolleys to be parked in front, fitting nicely under the display in order to keep personal belongings visible and secure.

The kiosks are designed to be configured linearly or in clusters at larger lounge spaces. Furthermore, their touchscreen displays allow plenty of privacy and personal space for individuals or small groups to engage and surf the internet.

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